I graduated from the PhD program in the department of Computer Science at Duke University in 2016, specialized in the energy efficiency of mobile sensing.
In September, I joined Google as a software engineer.
Distributed Strategies for Computational Sprints, Songchun Fan*, Seyed Majid Zahedi*, Benjamin C. Lee. Communications of the ACM, Research Highlight, VOL.62 NO.02 (*Co-First Authors)
Swarm Computing for Mobile Sensing, Songchun Fan, Theodoros Salonidis, Benjamin C. Lee. ICDCS 2018
Managing Heterogeneous Datacenters with Tokens, Seyed Majid Zahedi, Songchun Fan, Benjamin C. Lee. To Appear in TACO '18
Predicting sensory data and extending battery life for wearable devices, Songchun Fan, Qiuyun Wang, Benjamin C. Lee. HotMobile '17
Computational Sprinting: Architecture, Dynamics, and Strategies, Seyed Majid Zahedi, Songchun Fan, Matthew Faw, Elijah Cole, Benjamin C. Lee. TOCS Vol. 34, No. 4
Cooper: Task Colocation with Cooperative Games, Qiuyun Llull, Songchun Fan, Seyed Majid Zahedi, Benjamin C. Lee. HPCA '17
Evaluating Asymmetric Multiprocessing for Mobile Applications, Songchun Fan, Benjamin C. Lee. ISPASS '16 [slides][github]
The Computational Sprinting Game, Songchun Fan*, Seyed Majid Zahedi*, Benjamin C. Lee. ASPLOS '16 (*Co-First Authors) [Best Paper Award][IEEE Micro Top Picks Honorable Mention][CACM Research Highlight]
Injecting Life into Toys, Songchun Fan, Hyojeong Shin, Romit Roy Choudhury. HotMobile '14
Your reactions suggest you liked the movie: automatic content rating via reaction sensing, Xuan Bao, Songchun Fan, Alexander Varshavsky, Kevin Li, Romit Roy Choudhury. UbiComp '13 [Best Paper Honorable Mention]
Demo: A Framework for Collaborative Sensing and Processing of Mobile Data Streams, Songchun Fan, Theodoros Salonidis, Benjamin Lee. MobiCom '16
Poster: Saving Power for Mobile Phones with Partial Wi-Fi Scans, Songchun Fan, Mahanth Gowda, Romit Roy Choudhury. MobiSys '12
Demo: Software Radio Implementation of Integrating Heterogeneous Wireless Networks, Songchun Fan, Lubin Guan, Chao Dong, Lizhao You and Guihai Chen. Infocom '11
Demo: HeartPlayer: A Smart Music Player Involving Emotion Recognition, Expression and Recommendation, Songchun Fan, Xin Fan, Cheng Tan and Jinyu Zhang. Multimedia Modeling '11